Free Charts
TEACHERS : My goal is to get 1-Million Kids to fill-out this simple chart.
This is a 4-Generation Chart that kids can use to make a deeper connection with their family history.
Many will have Grandparents that are still alive that can - this Chart
This Chart covers about 100-years of your family history. This is a terrific start!
When you complete this, you will know more about your family history than 95% of the population – most people cannot name even ONE of their Great Grandparents.
You should find lots of photos and info at this stage of your research.
Click HERE or the image below to get a FREE PDF copy of the 4-GENERATION chart
You can instantly download a PDF file that you can print out on your home printer. You can also save it on your computer and type in all of the details for a more permanent copy. The file you save can also be emailed to other family members - or Members of your Genealogical or Historical Society.